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OLLITER: soluzioni modulari per progetti RF

OLLITER è una startup, fondata da OM per gli OM.

Qualità made in Italy.

OLLITER è una startup, fondata da OM per gli OM.

La nostra filosofia è chiara: offrire agli OM, prodotti di elevata qualità, personalizzabili secondo le proprie esigenze, studiati per offrire prestazioni di alto livello in ogni tipo di situazione, sia esso in stazione, sia esso durante i contest o le spedizioni.



OL-POWER is a solid state amplifier that you can assemble according to your needs. LPF filter is adaptable to your needs, thus premitting to equip your linear with only the filters for the band you are interested in. Output section can be configured to house from 1.0Kw up to 1.8Kw NXP LDMOS.
Inside it's innovative Tower case, Ol-Power is offered both as seamless, easy-to-build kits (STAGE1), or top of the range factory-assembled version (STAGE3). In OL-Power, solutions that other manufacturers consider strong points, are just the starting points!

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Born from the idea to integrate a Software Defined Radio with our Heavy-Duty Amplifier, OL-SDR is a combination not yet present on the HAM market!
It offers, in a single cabinet, the Top Power (up to 1.8KW) of the new LDMOS devices, to the Top Functionality of a highly advanced SDR (4 separate transmitters + 8 independent receivers). A combination of robustness and reliability designed to offer peak performances in the most severe environments and conditions (contest, DX expedition) and the challenging (for equipment) digital modes.



OL-Kee is designed with simplicity in mind. Beacuse we think that the more you're thinking about gear, the less you can think about coding! 
OL-Kee is a “back to basic” key, adjustments are essentials, neverthless it’s touch is a dream, that can be easily adaptated to your needs.
You eyes will love it, your fingers with dream about it. 
OL-Kee, at the moment, is still in our dream. We have made several prototypes out of it, but the final unit is still in our LAB … write us, to grant yourself the possibility to get one.

powered by Surfing Waves


sul nostro sito di e-commerce potrai a breve acquistare tutti i componenti per realizzare il tuo progetto elettronico e i KIT base o FINITI dei nostri Amplificatori testati e collaudati, pronti per l'uso.



Telefono: +39 320.162.9300